Autumn Auction
Get a Start on Holiday Shopping!
Bid on gourmet foods, wine, trips, jewelry, home decor and more! Items will be added daily so keep checking back. Once you register to bid you will get alerts when you need to increase a bid, can set a bid limit so the technology does your work for you, or can get notified if there are items with no bids so you can swoop in for some great deals!
WE’VE GONE VIRTUAL! In order to make sure everyone who wants to can support our organization, we’ve decided to host our Autumn Afternoon online.
The Auction IS OPEN and closes on October 17th at 5pm PST.
Keep checking back…new items will be added to the auction all week!
For details or technical information contact Kathryn Scott at 805-863-2842 or [email protected]
All proceeds benefit Boys & Girls Clubs of Mid Central Coast and provide programs and services for local children and teens.our