4th Annual Crush it! Golf Tournament Was A Great Day on the Greens

Hunter Ranch Golf Club once again was the site of the Crush it! Golf Tournament to benefit Boys & Girls Clubs of Mid Central Coast.  A total of 18 foursomes played the beautiful course along with enjoying breakfast burritos, complimentary margaritas, and a delicious taco bar after their play was done.  A 50/50 raffle and on course games like the Cork Chip–where golfers used a 7 iron to chip a wine cork onto a target about 30 feet away, a Buy A Drive, and a Heckle Hole, kept the day lively and interesting.  

A Golfers Dream Package was also raffled off giving the winner a trip to Edgewood Golf Course in Lake Tahoe along with four nights at the Harrahs Resort.  Over $50,000 was raised at this event that will support the programs and services offered to local children.  

Tournament winners:

– First low gross: Coast Pipe – 54
– First low net: ASAP Movers – 49.7
– Second low net: Oak & Vine Wealth Management – 49.9
– Third low net: Coast Hills – 50.2

Special thanks to our

Tournament Sponsors: