Thanks to volunteers from Philanthropic Educational Organization (PEO) the kitchen at the Tom Maas Clubhouse in Paso Robles is cleaned, organized and ready to continue to be a place of learning, fun, and nourishment for the 100’s of Club Members who visit this site every week. PEO members from one of the Paso Robles branches, led by Nadine Sullivan, former Board Chair for Boys & Girls Clubs of Mid Central Coast, were treated to a tour of the entire facility and then rolled up their sleeves to make sure this much-loved and much-used feature of the Clubhouse is ready for all of the programming our team has in store for local kids.
We are grateful PEO decided to celebrate their own Founding Day with a day of service to another non-profit group. And we know our Club Members and staff can’t wait to continue making their daily food creations in this ready-to-cook facility!

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