Christmas Party At The Shandon Club

The Shandon staff have been preparing for our Christmas celebration for a while! Our Director, Ms. Carina had the great idea of having three separate days where we created “food shacks” where we fundraised money to be able to purchase Christmas gifts for each and every single one of our Shandon Members. After having our fundraiser, the kids proceeded to write a letter to the “BGC Santa” that consisted of a few things they wished for, for Christmas. Fastforward a couple weeks later, the Shandon staff became Santa’s elves, wrapped each member’s gift (40+) and on December 13th, our Christmas celebration began! When youth arrived, they watched a short Christmas clip while waiting for our middle schoolers. As soon as they also arrived, we enjoyed delicious Fatte’s Pizza and Hawaiian punch, Then, each Member opened their gift one at a time, and ended our celebration by savoring tasty hot chocolate with cinnamon rolls! A HUGE thank you to Ms. Carina for all the extra time and dedication she put into making this day possible for our youth.