Flamson Member won Gold at Skills USA

Closdualdo “Junior,” one of our Flamson Club Members, attended the Skills USA competition in Ontario, CA. Junior is a 17-year-old 11th grader at Paso Robles High School. He attends and helps out at the Flamson site when he isn’t participating in extracurricular activities such as Jooi club (community service), VIP club (video making & photography), and Skills USA (a competition where students can demonstrate their expertise in real-world jobs). Junior won Gold in the state competition in customer service. The customer service competition is a quiz of how well you can memorize policies, manager/staff/customer names, company phone numbers, etc. the contestants have one day to memorize all the information. They are then quizzed on it the next day. Junior was the youngest person in his division of the competition. After winning the State competition, he is moving on to nationals in Florida. We are so proud of Junior and all the accomplishments he has made. Congratulations, Junior, and go get them at Nationals.