Programs Highlight–Boys & Girls Club Week 2022

Boys & Girls Club Week is our time to celebrate all that is great about being a Club Member.  Summer is one of the best times of the year at the Boys & Girls Club and there’s nothing like swimming lessons to showcase everything that’s great about the programs we offer! 

Club Members in Guadalupe all have the opportunity to take swimming lessons through a partnership between Boys & Girls Clubs of Mid Central Coast, the Guadalupe School District and the City of Santa Maria.  There is no public pool in Guadalupe yet it is a beach community where water safety is necessary to keep kids protected year round.  Carmen Mendoza, Area Director for Guadalupe, and Alejandra Mora wit the school district, understand the value of partnerships to create high quality programs for kids and this swimming program is one way they can bring necessary service to kids who otherwise would not have them. 

As we celebrate Boys & Girls Club Week, we also celebrate creative partnerships and the successful ways we serve kids through our programs and our education.