Sammy Rabbit Teaches Financial Literacy

In a programming partnership with United Way of Northern Santa Barbara County, we were able to offer their Sammy Rabbit Financial Literacy program to some of our youngest Members. 

The Sammy Rabbit program provides financial literacy curriculum to help children develop savings habits and goals. When the child completes the curriculum United Way, working with their donors, sponsors, and parents, will open a custodial saving account in the child’s name. The child must agree with the parents to make regular savings deposits to match the United Way. When the child has honored that commitment, United Way will make another matching deposit and continue working with the child and family providing financial literacy, savings, and investment messaging and opportunities. 

For 6-weeks our younger Club Members had training from United Way staff and attempted to save $44.  Those funds were matched by United Way so Club Members were able to open a savings account at  with an opening balance of $88.