Shandon Club Donations!

The Shandon Club is tremendously excited and grateful to share the two recent donations that the club has received.

Jane and Steve Sinton are two lovely Shandon Alumni who have kindly taken the time to visit our Site and be a part of this contribution. With their help, we were able to purchase many new things that we knew were necessary and would be enjoyed by all Members! A few of our biggest and most helpful purchases were a pool table & it’s accessories, a sturdy backpack rack, an outdoor shed, a rolling cart for balls and outdoor equipment, scooters, helmets, sensory tables, a cordless vacuum, numerous outdoor toys, and much more that our Members have significantly appreciated. 

The Mid State Cruizers are a local charity who also recently helped our Club. The money was raised at their 33rd Annual Car Show in August. The car club has been raising more and more money for local nonprofits every year, and we are wholeheartedly grateful for their choice in helping the Shandon Club!