SMART Moves Emotional Wellness Program

This month at Flamson Club, during our SMART (Skills Mastery And Resistance Training) Moves Emotional Wellness program, we focused on exploring how emotions affect our bodies and how to better recognize and understand them.

For our 8-9 year old Members, we kicked off with an activity called Emotions in My Body. The kids discussed how different emotions like anger, calmness, sadness, and excitement feel physically in the body. They then demonstrated these emotions and expressed them through creative drawings on body outlines provided to each participant. This helped the Members connect physical sensations—like tightness in the chest, a fluttering feeling in the stomach, or a relaxed posture—to the emotions they experience, giving them a deeper understanding of how feelings manifest in the body.

For our 10-11 year old Members, we took things to the next level with the Emotions in My Body game. The youth rolled two dice: one with body parts and the other with emotions. The numbers on the dice determined which body part and emotion they would focus on, and they were then asked to describe how they might use that body part (hands, eyes, feet, etc.) when feeling those emotions. For example, they shared how they might clench their fists when angry or jump around when excited. This fun and interactive activity allowed the children to connect their feelings to physical actions, enhancing their emotional awareness and understanding.

For the older group, we also played a game called All the Feels, where Members sat in a circle, each holding a card with an emotion written on it (visible to the others but not themselves). The goal was for the rest of the group to act out the emotion on the card while the person holding it tried to guess what it was. After playing in a circle, we split into smaller teams for a more competitive round. This game helped foster empathy, emotional expression, and understanding in a playful, engaging environment.

Both activities offered a wonderful opportunity for the Members to recognize, express, and empathize with different emotions in a supportive and creative space. We’re excited to continue this emotional wellness journey and look forward to even more fun and educational activities in our SMART Moves Emotional Wellness program!

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