Staff Learning at BGCA National Conference

During the week of May 13-17th four staff members attended the BGCA National Conference in Atlanta, GA. Anna Libbon, VP of Club Success and Mina Donkor, Senior Traditional Clubhouse Director, were also invited to attend the Youth Impact Network training for the first two days of the conference. The Impact Network is a strategic group of Clubs from around the organization that are focused on: Increasing youth impact by improving club experience and consistency across sites; implementing strategies that address overall culture and operations, staff practices, and program planning; establishing sustainable CQI, training, and data routines; connect and collaborate with peers. This training was held to allow team members to work as a team with other clubs to help narrow down three areas for each organization to focus on for improvement. Using club data, such as NYOI, CQI, pulse checks and staff surveys they were able to determine the priorities for Mid Central Coast. These areas are: Improving program implementation by staff; how to collect and use data; and family engagement.

In addition to sending programming staff we also had a chance to send individuals representing the HR and Finance departments, Christin McGee and Brandi Garcia. Staff satisfaction and retention are a focus area for improvement for the organization and this was an opportunity to network with other Clubs and learn new ways of fostering relationships and culture within the organization.

The National Conference also included the launch of the organization’s new strategic direction, the Future Ready Agenda: Agenda for Collective Impact. This includes the major areas of focus at the National level as they encourage local clubs to grow these five focus areas; Organizational Strength, Talent, Youth Impact, Influence, Data and Technology.