Staff Member Spends Summer Break Helping Others

This summer Alora McNulty took a week off of work to go with four different Churches on  mission trip to Mexico. She has been going on his Mission trip every Spring since she was a Freshman in Highschool which is now eight years.  This is the second Summer Missions trip she has taken. The group went to the Door of Faith Orphanage in La Mision Mexico. They go down to Mexico to play games, cook meals, and connect with the kids and members in the community. They go out into the communities and pass out rice and beans, carnival flyers, bibles, and ask if anyone needs prayer. The missionaries set up a carnival in the community at a local Church and  everyone is invited. At the end of the carnival they do dramas that explain some stories in the bible. 

The missionaries go to Mexico to help out in any way they can and to show people the love they have to share. They make connections with the kids at the orphanage and with the families and people within the communities they visit. Alora shares, “I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve the people and communities in Mexico and I will continue to do so because giving back to the community and people from other communities has a huge place in my heart.” 

Alora is a great example of the compassionate and service-minded employees that make up the team at Boys & Girls Clubs of Mid Central Coast.