Teens Enjoy A Night Under the Stars

Recently, twelver of our Keystone members had the opportunity to attend the PCPA play, “American Mariachi” at the Solvang Theaterfest. For ten of our members, this was their first ever visit to a live theater performance.  It was such an exciting evening for our members filled with  laughs and tears from experiencing such a beautiful story under the Solvang night sky. 

Jessenia, our Keystone historian and Sophomore at Santa Maria High, mentioned that she “absolutely loved it and couldn’t wait to go again!”. Ruth, a Junior at Pioneer Valley High and  Keystone member, shared how thankful she was for such an amazing night  and how much fun that she had being able to experience this with her club peers.

This special night was made possible by the generous donation from Mr. & Mrs. Beebe, proud PCPA patrons who believe “theater is important for all young people to experience.” 

Our Boys & Girls Club’s Keystone program is a premier teen leadership experience focused on academic success, career preparation, and community service for students in grades 9th-12th.  Local high school students interested in becoming involved with the Keystone program may contact the Railroad Club at 805-922-7163 or email Jeanette Blanco, Director of Teen Services at jeanette.blanco@centralcoastkids.org.