Torch Club Members Continue Doing Good for the Community

Torch Club members in Santa Maria have been busy serving their community.  They recently completed their second park clean up activity spending an afternoon collecting trash at the nearby Atkinson Park.  This activity not only helps make the park nice for other users, but it’s an opportunity for kids to see, first hand, the problems that trash and litter create.  Most of the youth then can talk about these issue at home with their family and friends.  Also, when people see youth doing this kind of work, we hope it inspires other to take good care of the public spaces we all share.  

In addition to community clean up, they have been working hard decorating bowls for the Foodbank of Santa Barbara County’s annual Empty Bowls event. For over 20 years, The Foodbank has been hosting this fundraiser and hunger awareness program in Santa Maria.  The event has grown so much that volunteers are needed to make and decorate 100’s of bowls every year.  Our Torch Club members have certainly done their part!  You can see these and many other one-of-a-kind bowls at Empty Bowls on November 3rd at the Santa Maria Fairpark.  

Torch Club Mission:  Torch Club members learn to enrich their lives and the lives of others through service, leadership and by demonstrating good character.  

It is a small group club for 11-13 year old members. Projects and activities are created, developed and implemented by the Torch Club members with the guidance of an adult Torch Club advisor.  The four program areas of Torch Club are Service to Club and Community, Education, Health and Fitness and Social Recreation.


Torch Clubs typically involve six to 15 members, and have a primary focus of developing good character and leadership skills through service and activities.